Adding Buttons in Word for Windows and Word for Mac 2016
To change the text direction in this case, simply click the button required. If so, the left-to-right and right-to-left text direction buttons should be visible on the Home tab. You may already have bi-directional languages installed on your version of Microsoft Word. So how do you fix this? Bi-Directional Languages The cursor will appear at the end of the line, for example, and text will appear to emerge from the wrong side of the page. While this is not always a huge issue for proofreading, it can make the job more difficult. This may affect the whole document or just parts of it (most commonly, the comments and footnotes). Instead, it’s because some scripts (Arabic or Hebrew, for instance) read right-to-left rather than left-to-right. This is because the issue is not about justification. Sometimes, especially when working on documents from international clients, you may find that seemingly right-justified text won’t move when you change the alignment. Take, for example, the issue of correcting right-to-left text in Microsoft Word.
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